Cats Meow Club

Traveling With Cats

November 18, 2017 Grace
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I love to travel, and though I don't do it that frequently, I do have to travel on occasion. I would really love to do it more. But as you know taking a pet with you is really only something that you do when you absolutely have to. Flying with them can be major stress for both of you. And day trips in the car usually means spending most of the time in the crate.

But there are options out there. My husband had been an avid RVer (not sure if that is what you call them or not) and spent a whole summer in college traveling around the country.

He had put up his RV hat though when we got married, but he still talks about it.

So I sat down and started to do some research. And yes, RVing is an option with cats.

We happened to find a couple that does it with their two cats on Youtube. The series is called Gone With The Wynns (here is their blog) and they seem to get along with the situation just fine. I am still skeptical that two cats in an RV, no matter how large is going to be comfortable.

One idea that we have come to about giving everybody their space is to try and use what limited area their is and the fact that everything is more confined. My husband suggested purchasing storage ottomans (the kind you can find cheap on places like Overstock) he suggested cutting a hole in the side so that we could put the litter box inside. Then we will get a second one, doing the same thing, except instead of a little box we would put a bed and a blanket in it so that our cat have a personal safe space that they can use to getaway. And yet being storage ottomans they are both easy to open and get the litter box out or to clean the bedding.

That being said, our cats are not outside cats! They have lived a purely indoor life so far, and yet with the cramped conditions of the camper I think that they might not react well to being kept in the RV full time. Which has led to some sleepless nights. While I agree that cats are extremely adaptable, I think that this is really too much to ask of them. But that is not the part that bothers me, it is the fact that the cats could get lost or they could be attacked or kill by the different wildlife that they may encounter. Let alone letting them kill the local wildlife, this all seems problematic and is where my real dilemma hangs.

So that means that we would have to keep them on the leash at all times. This makes going in and out more of a hassle, but I am fine with it.

My hope is that; it is in a cat's nature to love confined areas, thus I hope that she will love the RV.